The IHH is an initiative to prioritize local action and leadership by bringing together local, national and international humanitarian agencies operational in India. It is with an aspiration of reflecting on, mobilizing and acting in ways that have never been done before and are beyond the scope and culture of the current humanitarian architecture.
The IHH aims to achieve these changes by building the hub upon three pillars:
Knowledge And Innovations
The hub acknowledges that local communities, and organizations have an inherent resilience, tremendous local knowledge and several indigenous innovations. The hub will provide a platform for building partnerships between communities, civil society, academia, donors, technical institutions, start-ups, government etc. The hub will create access to resources, connections, technological and technical information to boost innovation at the front-lines.
The hub asserts that true front line actors (national and sub national) are those who operate in the last mile and are familiar with the geography and the community affected by the crisis, however it will be open for the national and international organization committed to the localization. With an institutional process elaborated in hub governance the international, national will be engaged through a consultative process bringing all under the umbrella . The hub aims to have at the minimum 50% participation of local agencies (Sub-national). The India hub through its internal structures, representation and through external programs enables, empowers and encourages participation of local/sub-national actors. The hub aims to bring these actors on a level playing-field while making the playing-field itself fair and accessible.
New Funding and Financing Mechanisms
Resources are scarce, skewed, and slow to move. The hub will work on new resource mobilization mechanisms that are pre-identified, move fast, reach the neediest who may often be invisible, and do so with minimal operation costs. The hub intends to work on new financing mechanisms relevant, suitable and accessible to front line and local actors. While working on new mechanisms the hub also aims at ensuring that those mechanisms that already exist are made available and accessible to local/sub-national actors. All the while ensuring that the funding and financing mechanisms enable efficient, and last mile delivery. Besides pooling of resources, the hub will tap into emerging funding sources to capitalize on new opportunities and help organize the funding flow from channels such as corporates, retail, CSR, and government.